Sep 30

Mel GibsonAnd then there were the reports about Mel Gibson visiting the Island of the Gods, letting his hair down like Mad Max during his best times. Actually attending a seminar of Alcoholics Anonymous, it didn’t appear to be his motto later on that evening.

He was seen taking part in wild table-top dancing and heavy binge drinking sessions in some of Bali’s ‘finest’ establishments like ‘The Living Room’. As reported independently by The Bali Times and Bali Discovery Websites, he clearly had 2 balls of a great time; even doing a ‘Tom Cruise’ sofa jump around both local and overseas guests. Although not showing his Lethal Weapon to anyone in public – it is said that plenty of local girls gone crazy tried everything to get hold of the Mega Star and Director of Movies like ‘Apocalypto’, ‘The Passion of the Christ’, ‘The Bounty’, ‘Braveheart’ and other Box Office Blockbusters. There was even a Southpark episode dedicated to him.

Last week in Bali he was seen getting literally a ‘Mother-Tongue Taste’ of fresh female Indo talents on several occasions. No need to tell this man about Sex, Lust and Foolishness in Asia. Yeah baby, yeah!

No reports about Ransom paid, though. Someone clearly knows how to party!

His representatives stated that he only had the ‘non-alcoholic tropical drinks they serve over here’; though most participants in the above mentioned location would question that statement.

Can one get and behave intoxicated from fruit juice?

Not many people know though, that there is another connection between Bali and Mel:

The producer of the musical score and soundtrack of one of his first – now almost forgotten – movies, ‘Summer City‘ chose Bali as his ‘home away from home’ and is still living it up here. Right Phil? ;-)

Mel Gibson - Summer CityDid Mr Gibson finally paid up all his bills? After all he shot Paypack a few years ago? Obviously he didn’t learn much from it. No wonder his visit here came un-announced and rather on short notice.


Even though, Mel Gibson had his fair share of flak during the recent months regarding drunk driving in California and anti-semitic comments in both his films and publically – he is clearly a bloke, who knows how to enjoy himself.

A true ‘mate’ for sure. Here is to you, Mad Max! Cheers! ;-)

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written by Chris

4 Responses to “Mel Gibson – Wild Party in Bali after attending Alcoholics Anonymous”

  1. wojtarNo Gravatar POLAND Says:

    Ha! Looks like Saddam Husain …

  2. YunarNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Yes I agree with Wotjtar… at first i think he is Saddam Hasain. Maybe Saddam will looks like Mell Gibson without beard :-D

  3. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hehe, how true! And I bet that some people wish Mel Gibson a similar fate. Sometimes I think, people get upset too easily and should not get outraged about other people’s remarks, even though they might hurt or are nasty. Let it flow down the river, nobody will remember it if it wouldn’t get sooooo much publicity….

  4. ScottishgirlNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I would like to party with him, but NOT sleep with him. That guy’s been AROUND!

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