Jun 09
ETEN M600 Pocket PCTo avoid bringing a laptop wherever you go – it can be easier to become friends with a so-called Pocket PC.

With the new models which include also WiFi, you can practically stay connected in most cities even in less developed countries.Once you are connected to a WiFi network, you can use Skype for Pocket PC to call your loved ones worldwide for free.

Skypeout is practical too, meaning you can call (fixed) land lines as well and not only other Skype users. The rates are surprisingly low, with 1-3 Euro Cent to most countries. Apart from that you can sync your Stocks, E-Mails or Weather data and store all your contacts, MP3 and documents or use even GPS receivers to find out of the wilderness, if desired. ;-)

Here you can find a review of the pictured ETEN M600 or here for Skype via Pocket PCs.
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written by Chris

4 Responses to “Stay connected abroad…”

  1. How To Track Your Stocks, Funds And Other Investments When Traveling Abroad | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] One of those PPC I mentioned here – it’s one of my trusty travel mates for the last 2 years. […]

  2. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    I just splashed out on one of these Eten puppies myself :p

    It’s the Eten Glofiish [sic]; it’s a phone, a PDA, has wi-fi, bluetooth, GPS, micro-SD, slifing keyboard, all sorts!

    Just how to work out how to make proper use of it rather than it just be a gadget I play with when I’m bored… I’m gonna “Nomad Pimp” it with software for life on the road: currency converters, mapping programs, writing software, star charts (for those Outback nights…) :D

  3. Is a Nomadic Lifestyle for you? | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] A PDA I might try to give up, even though it is surely useful to stay connected – serving as a telephone, mini-computer to check your stocks, store your addresses, e-mail, telephone numbers and MP3’s […]

  4. How-to Guide to Store, Access and Sync your Data safely while Traveling the World | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] again thereafter. Therefore it can be useful to access the internet with your own notebook, PDA or wireless device to reduce the risks of exposing your login […]

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